Flood Risk Assessment
Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) forms an important aspect of development planning nationwide. With that being said, Hydrec Environmental Consulting has a proven track record in the preparation of both urban and rural Site Specific Flood Risk Assessments for the industrial and residential sectors.
At Hydrec Environmental Consulting, FRAs are prepared in accordance with 'The Planning System and Flood Risk Management Guidelines for Planning Authorities' published in November 2009. As outlined in the Guidelines, FRAs are typically undertaken on a stage by stage basis:
Stage 1 - Flood Risk Identification
Stage 2 - Initial Flood Risk Assessment
Stage 3 - Detailed Risk Assessment
Hydrec Environmental can advise on the level of detail required within a site specific assessment based on the available site information. Depending on the flood risk identified and the complexity of the FRA required, we have the capability to include the following services to ensure that all assessments are comprehensively addressed:
Appraisal of site flood history and existing Catchment Flood Risk and Assessment Management (CFRAM) data
Site walkovers and specification of topographical surveys required to complete FRA
Estimation of design flood flows based on the Flood Studies Update (FSU) programme and other techniques
1D & 2D hydraulic modelling of water bodies and flood plains using HEC-RAS and Flood Modeller software
Preparation of flood extent and flood depth mapping
Application of Justification Test
Design of mitigation measures including 'Level for Level' compensatory storage proposals where required