Freshwater Habitat Surveys
Irish freshwater habitats support a number of species which are protected under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and Wildlife Act 1976 (as amended).
Specialist assessment may be warranted for projects where there is the potential for protected species and habitats to be disturbed. Hydrec Environmental Consulting can offer the following:
White-clawed crawfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) surveys
Salmonid and lamprey habitat suitability surveys
Aquatic plant (i.e. macrophytes) surveys
River corridor surveying​
It should be noted that a licence from the National Parks and Wildlife Services (NPWS) is required for surveying works that may disturb protected species. Where needed we can assist in the preparation of licence applications and the associated documentation (i.e. bio-security protocols and method statements).
For projects planning in-stream works or river channel course alteration, Hydrec Environmental Consulting can offer a holistic service by including any required hydraulic modelling in conjunction with the necessary ecological assessments.