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Hydrological / Hydraulic Modelling 

Hydrec Environmental Consulting have expertise in an extensive suite of hydrological modelling packages and can utilise the appropriate method, depending on a project's requirements. Computer simulations are typically adapted to better understand river flow regimes and to hindcast past and predict future water quality conditions. 

Dromore River - Weir - Original.jpg

Scenarios whereby specialist hydraulic modelling is often called upon include:


  • Flood Risk Assessment

  • Deign of River Rehabilitation and Channel Diversion projects;

  • Supporting information for OPW Section 47 applications (i.e. Erection / Alteration of Weirs)

  • Supporting information for OPW Section 50 applications (i.e. Construction / Alteration of Bridges and Culverts)



While types of water quality modelling techniques commonly used include:


  • Advection - Dispersion Modelling;

  • Biochemical Oxygen Demand - Dissolved Oxygen Modelling;

  • Water Temperature Modelling; 

  • Sediment Transport Modelling. 

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