Hydrological / Hydraulic Modelling
Hydrec Environmental Consulting have expertise in an extensive suite of hydrological modelling packages and can utilise the appropriate method, depending on a project's requirements. Computer simulations are typically adapted to better understand river flow regimes and to hindcast past and predict future water quality conditions.
Scenarios whereby specialist hydraulic modelling is often called upon include:
Flood Risk Assessment
Deign of River Rehabilitation and Channel Diversion projects;
Supporting information for OPW Section 47 applications (i.e. Erection / Alteration of Weirs)
Supporting information for OPW Section 50 applications (i.e. Construction / Alteration of Bridges and Culverts)
While types of water quality modelling techniques commonly used include:
Advection - Dispersion Modelling;
Biochemical Oxygen Demand - Dissolved Oxygen Modelling;
Water Temperature Modelling;
Sediment Transport Modelling.